

Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP), a nationwide non-profit organization that provides free in-home nurse support to low-income, first-time mothers who are 28 weeks pregnant or less, needed to bolster enrollment numbers to support their Vision to Scale Strategic Plan.



As NFP’s agency of record since 2016 our work began by conducting extensive market research. From here, strategic areas were identified in which to execute specific initiatives. These markets included California, New York, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Tennessee.

A new campaign concept was developed and applied to more than 340 creative pieces. Given the unique characteristics of this hard-to-reach target, the tailored media mix has been heavily skewed toward digital marketing including: digital display ads, Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, radio streaming platforms (Pandora and Spotify), and popular pregnancy apps (Ovia, Baby Center, What to Expect and The Bump).

Innovative efforts were implemented to advertise in non-traditional outlets such as lunch-trucks and taco-truck wrappings, laundromats, OBGYN waiting room ads, Hispanic neighborhood markets and secondhand pregnancy clothes stores.

Campaign execution also saw placements in mass media and targeted outlets, featuring billboards, retail advertising in malls, park benches, public transit advertising (busses and bus shelters).