

The public-school system is very complex, but it could be particularly overwhelming for many vulnerable families. Denver Public Schools (DPS) has created different programs to propel parent engagement in their children education, as well as to help them navigate the enrollment process.



Our team was brought on board in several occasions to help DPS to create awareness and bolster participation among hard-to-reach families.

Messaging and collateral materials in English and Spanish were crafted for SchoolChoice, a program dedicated to helping parents identify, tour and register for the schools that best fit their student’s needs. The objective was to motivate parents and caregivers to take an active role in identifying the best school for their child. Toolkits were also developed to guide parents during the complex process of visiting and selecting potential schools.

Additionally, we supported the creation and growth of EDUCA, a daily radio show aiming at increasing understanding of DPS programs and initiatives among minority communities. Not only our team provided marketing consultation and strategic planning for its creation, but we helped the production of its segments, their content, and trained the hosts to ensure program sustainability.

SchoolChoice materials continue to be widely used each year as a new crop of families navigates DPS. Educa, for its part, has grown to include a monthly TV show, a quarterly bilingual magazine, and the radio show is now produced in over six languages.